a postcode in Guernsey

GY4 6LP Location Map


Latitude: 49.4279 / 49°25'40"N

Longitude: -2.5642 / 2°33'51"W

OS Eastings:

OS Northings:

OS Grid:

Location Encoding

Mapcode National: GGY G3.ZQ

Mapcode Global: GBR NZ16.005

Plus Code: 8CXVCCHP+58

Maidenhead Locator System: IN89rk22

What Three Birds: whitethroat.goose.tanager

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Marker point and cooordinate accuracy: No coordinates available.

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Rue Maze, Field View, St. Martin, Guernsey GY4 6LP

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Postcode Map

Councils, constituencies and elected representatives

Residents of GY4 6LP are represented at different levels of local, regional and national government by elected representatives. Where known, these are shown here.

This data is updated approximately monthly, and may not necessarily take account of the results of any elections or by-elections held recently.

Broadband Internet

Ofcom publishes annual statistics for Broadband availability. This is the most recent data for GY4 6LP.

Sorry, we don't have any data about broadband Internet here.


The most recent Ofsted rankings for schools near GY4 6LP.

Sorry, we have no current data to display for this area.

Government Statistical Service (GSS) Codes for GY4 6LP

Police Force Area

GY4 6LP is a postcode in Guernsey. Check typical house prices, council tax bands, business rates, broadband availability and local schools. Find nearby hotels and holiday rentals

CheckMyPostcode.UK is a Good Stuff website.