Latitude: 51.1513 / 51°9'4"N
Longitude: -2.5124 / 2°30'44"W
OS Eastings: 364261
OS Northings: 139243
OS Grid: ST642392
Mapcode National: GBR MV.7M9P
Mapcode Global: VH8B7.DBP7
Plus Code: 9C3V5F2Q+G3
Maidenhead Locator System: IO81rd86
What Three Birds: catbird.nightjar.bullfinch
Marker point and cooordinate accuracy: Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean.
Can you answer a question about BA4 6BH?
BA4 6BH is a residential postcode in Evercreech, Somerset. It was first introduced in October 2016.
The most common council tax bands are B and C.
Residential buildings are typically semi-detached and terraced (including end-terrace). Domestic properties are primarily houses.
Estimated residential property values, based on historical transactions and adjusted for inflation, range from £110,261 to £816,576 with an average of £287,510.
Most residential buildings are of unknown age.
Domestic properties are predominantly owner occupied.
The most common Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating is B.
BA4 6BH is in the Street and Wells travel to work area. NHS services are provided by the Somerset Primary Care Trust.
Office of National Statistics Output Area Classification for the area containing BA4 6BH
1c2: Rural Residents - Ageing Rural Dwellers - Renting Rural Retirement
Office of National Statistics Rural/Urban classification for BA4 6BH
England D1: a small town or larger village, surrounded by populated countryside
Healthy Living Index
8/10 (High)
Neighbourhood Retail Diversity Index
2/10 (Very low)
Area Retail Diversity Index
2/10 (Very low)
Supermarkets near BA4 6BH include Tesco. (Source: OpenStreetMap)
(Links open in a new window)
Residents of BA4 6BH are represented at different levels of local, regional and national government by elected representatives. Where known, these are shown here.
This data is updated approximately monthly, and may not necessarily take account of the results of any elections or by-elections held recently.
Frome and East Somerset
Anna Sabine (Liberal Democrat)
Unitary Authority electoral division (UTE)
Mendip South
Rob Reed (Liberal Democrats)
Claire Sully (Liberal Democrats)
Ofcom publishes annual statistics for Broadband availability. This is the most recent data for BA4 6BH.
The most recent Ofsted rankings for schools near BA4 6BH.
Evercreech Church of England Primary School
Paradise Crescent, Evercreech, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 6EH
Voluntary Controlled School
Ages 5 - 11
Ditcheat Primary School
Ditcheat, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 6RB
Community School
Ages 4 - 11
St Aldhelm's Church of England Primary School
Chelynch Park, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 4PL
Voluntary Aided School
Ages 4 - 11
St Paul's Church of England VC Junior School
Paul Street, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 5LA
Voluntary Controlled School
Ages 7 - 11
Shepton Mallet Community Infants' School & Nursery
Waterloo Road, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 5HE
Community School
Ages 2 - 7
Ansford Academy Trust
Maggs Lane, Castle Cary, Somerset, BA7 7JJ
Academy Converter
Ages 11 - 16
King Arthur's Community School
West Hill, Wincanton, Somerset, BA9 9BX
Community School
Ages 11 - 16
Needs improvement
St Dunstan's School
Wells Road, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 9BY
Academy Converter
Ages 11 - 16
Norton Hill Academy
Charlton Road, Midsomer Norton, Radstock, Somerset, BA3 4AD
Academy Converter
Ages 11 - 18
Somervale School Specialist Media Arts College
Redfield Road, Midsomer Norton, Radstock, Somerset, BA3 2JD
Academy Converter
Ages 11 - 18
The overall school grade in this area is high.