B12 9ZA

a large user postcode in Tyseley, Birmingham

B12 9ZA Location Map


Latitude: 52.4549 / 52°27'17"N

Longitude: -1.8339 / 1°50'1"W

OS Eastings: 411386

OS Northings: 284123

OS Grid: SP113841

Location Encoding

Mapcode National: GBR 6HK.0V

Mapcode Global: VH9Z4.5KCD

Plus Code: 9C4WF538+XF

Maidenhead Locator System: IO92bk99

What Three Birds: swamphen.bluethroat.bunting

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Marker point and cooordinate accuracy: Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean.

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Wharfdale Road, Balsall Heath B12 9ZA


B12 9ZA is a large user postcode in Tyseley, Birmingham. It was first introduced in June 2003.

'Large User' postcodes are allocated to organisations which receive large amounts of post. Unlike standard geographic postcodes, which cover up to 80 addresses, a large user postcode is unique to a single address.

To the best of our knowledge, the current address of this postcode is:
Africa Information Centre, PO Box 11327, Birmingham B12 9ZA.

The geographic coordinates assigned to a large user postcode may not necessarily be the actual coordinates of the location to which mail is delivered. If the address is a PO Box, then the coordinates will usually be the Royal Mail sorting office which handles mail for that postcode. In other cases, the coordinates of the postcode may be the headquarters, or registered office, of an organisation rather than the building which receives mail.

Birmingham is a city, which had a population of 1,085,810 in the 2011 census.

B12 9ZA is in the Birmingham travel to work area. NHS services are provided by the Birmingham East and North Primary Care Trust.

B12 9ZA is approximately 124m (407ft) above sea level.

Office of National Statistics Output Area Classification for the area containing B12 9ZA

4b2: Multicultural Metropolitans - Challenged Asian Terraces - Pakistani Communities

Office of National Statistics Rural/Urban classification for B12 9ZA

England A1: within a very large conurbation, surrounded by populated countryside

Healthy Living Index

8/10 (High)

Neighbourhood Retail Diversity Index

9/10 (Very high)

Area Retail Diversity Index

9/10 (Very high)

Supermarkets near B12 9ZA include Aldi, Asda, Co-Operative Food, Costcutter, Farmfoods, Iceland, Lidl, Londis, M&S Simply Food, Nisa, Morrisons, Sainsbury's, Tesco and Waitrose. (Source: OpenStreetMap)

Other nearby postcodes

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B12 9ZA at other websites

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Postcode Map

Councils, constituencies and elected representatives

Residents of B12 9ZA are represented at different levels of local, regional and national government by elected representatives. Where known, these are shown here.

This data is updated approximately monthly, and may not necessarily take account of the results of any elections or by-elections held recently.

United Kingdom Parliament


Birmingham Yardley


Jess Phillips (Labour)

Birmingham City Council

Metropolitan district ward

Tyseley & Hay Mills


Zafar Iqbal (Labour)

Broadband Internet

Ofcom publishes annual statistics for Broadband availability. This is the most recent data for B12 9ZA.

Sorry, we don't have any data about broadband Internet here.


The most recent Ofsted rankings for schools near B12 9ZA.

Sorry, we have no current data to display for this area.

Government Statistical Service (GSS) Codes for B12 9ZA

Super Output Area, Lower Layer
Birmingham 078D
Super Output Area, Middle Layer
Birmingham 078
Local Authority Ward
Tyseley and Hay Mills
Local Authority
West Midlands
European Electoral Region
West Midlands
Primary Care Organisation
Birmingham East and North
Police Force Area
West Midlands
Travel to Work Area
Built-up Area
West Midlands
Built-up Area sub-division
Local Enterprise Partnership
Greater Birmingham and Solihull
Sub ICB Location
NHS Birmingham and Solihull ICB - 15E
Non-Civil Parished Area
Birmingham, unparished area
Integrated Care Board
NHS Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care Board
Cancer Alliance
West Midlands
Built-up Area

B12 9ZA is a large user postcode in Tyseley, Birmingham. Check typical house prices, council tax bands, business rates, broadband availability and local schools. Find nearby hotels and holiday rentals

CheckMyPostcode.UK is a Good Stuff website.